Hello, let me tell you a little more about me! My name is Courtney, and I am an admitted part of the hot mess mom club here to share my journey with others!
By following me, you can find the following:
- Tips and tricks to feel a little less overwhelmed as a mom
- Ideas to stay a little more organized and also save money.
- Some of my favorite easy recipes and family activities.
- Quick and affordable beauty and fashion tips for busy moms.
My Story:
I am a divorced mother of 2, sharing her life with a divorced dad of 3. We are learning how to blend families in the least stressful way possible. I spent 6 years after my divorce living in a state of stress and chaos because I could not stay organized, stick to a budget or find any sort of routine that worked for me.
My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD during the summer of 2014, and as I researched it, I realized I have undiagnosed Adult ADHD myself! I spent a lot of years feeling guilt and shame because I couldn’t ever seem to get it together. It’s challenged me to find ways to stay organized and enjoy life while letting go of judgment and mom guilt!
That is why I started this blog.
Here you can find tactical tips on staying organized and saving money, but also be encouraged to enjoy life while letting go of judgment and mom guilt.