ADHD is a common mental disorder that can make everyday tasks daunting and overwhelming. For those with ADHD, disorganization can be a significant issue. This can make keeping a tidy home seem like an impossible task. However, there are ways to stick to an ADHD cleaning schedule effectively. Some simple tips and tricks can keep your home clean and organized – even with ADHD. This blog post will share tips for sticking to an ADHD cleaning schedule. I will also share some resources that can help you get started. Keep reading to learn more!
Table of Contents
Break the tasks into manageable sections.
It is easy to get overwhelmed with ADHD, so breaking your tasks into manageable sections is essential. One way you can do this is by assigning jobs to different weekdays. For example, Monday, you will clean the bathrooms. Tuesday, you will vacuum the floors and so on. Clean Mama is one account I love to follow that breaks things down into simple routines. She shares tips and tricks on completing tasks quickly but effectively. Also, the supplies you need to make it all go smoothly. You can also assign different rooms of the house to different days of the week, whichever system you prefer! The most important thing to remember when trying to stick to an ADHD cleaning schedule is not to overestimate how much you can accomplish in one day. Keep it simple!

Create a checklist
Creating a checklist of your cleaning tasks can be an effective way to help manage your cleaning schedule. This way, you can have a visual reminder of what needs to be done and check things off as you go. Be sure to include specific tasks, such as “vacuum the living room” or “dust the blinds.” This way you can check them off as you complete them. You may also want to add a time limit for each task, such as “vacuum for 15 minutes.” This will help you stay on track and avoid hyper-focusing on something unimportant. Remember getting something done is always better than nothing, and we are trying to avoid perfectionism!
I’ve created a simple cleaning checklist with some of the things I try to remember as well as a blank one you can fill out yourself. Join my email list to get this delivered to your inbox! I also found this cleaning schedule and checklist on Canva that may be a little too much for my ADHD but I think I am going to give it a try. I am planning to have it printed and laminated at Kinko’s so I can just use a dry-erase marker and reuse it. Click the image below to get the printable PDF version!

Set Reminders
One way to make sure you’re sticking to your cleaning schedule is to set reminders. This can be done with a physical calendar that you put in a prominent place. You can also set up alerts on your phone or computer. Whatever reminder system you choose, make sure it’s something you’ll see and remember to act on. If you are like me, you may need multiple reminders. Such as, physically writing it down plus setting up alarms on your phone.
Eliminate Clutter
Take it from me when your space is overwhelmed by clutter, it is next to impossible to maintain any sort of cleaning routine. The task becomes almost insurmountable if you have to move piles of clutter from one spot to another to vacuum, wipe down countertops, or spend too much time cleaning them up. If you are starting from this place you may want to start with some decluttering prior to trying to maintain a cleaning routine. Try to set aside 30 minutes a day and pick a small section you would like to work on. Go through item by item and put them into piles to donate, throw away and keep. At the end of the timer put away the items you want to keep, throw away the junk, and immediately put the items you want to donate into your vehicle to be dropped off. Once you have eliminated some clutter you will be much more likely to be able to stick to a cleaning routine.

Steer Clear of Perfectionism
The most important tip of all is don’t worry about everything being perfect. With ADHD it is so easy to end up hyper-focusing on one particular area while ignoring the big picture. That is why I find timers so helpful. It is better to vacuum for 30 minutes and get as much of the floors done as possible than to start vacuuming and end up organizing that one random drawer that you hardly ever use. Steering clear of perfectionism also means if you miss a day you tell yourself it’s ok and you just pick up where you left off the next day. A trap I often fall into when trying to maintain any sort of routine is if I miss one day I feel like I need to do the day I missed plus the day I’m on. Otherwise, I have failed and what’s the point of continuing? This is a lie your brain is telling you and makes the tasks that much more overwhelming. Anything you accomplish is something you should be proud of and should motivate you to continue on that path toward keeping your home clean!
I hope these tips for how to stick to an ADHD cleaning schedule were helpful. I’ve struggled most of my life (not realizing I had ADHD) to maintain a clean home. These tips have been incredibly helpful for me. My favorite tip though has to be steering clear of perfectionism. I continue to practice celebrating whatever it is I have accomplished. This gets me out of the negative self-talk and makes me more productive in the long run. If you have any tips that have really helped you I would love to hear them! Connect with me over on Instagram or by joining my private Facebook group!
Omggg I struggle with this exact scenario , especially with housekeeping, “A trap I often fall into when trying to maintain any sort of routine is if I miss one day I feel like I need to do the day I missed plus the day I’m on. Otherwise, I have failed and what’s the point of continuing? ”
Thank you so much for putting that into words and moreso, sharing this detailed yet easy to follow template to keep up with the house. It’s nice to visually see, even if I miss a day, it’s totally okay, I can go back to it when the day comes around again the next week. And progress over perfection<3