8 Essential Tips for Back-to-School Preparation

As summer comes to a close, it’s time to start thinking about back-to-school preparation. Going back to school can be stressful, but with the right preparation, students can have a successful and productive year. From organizing school supplies to establishing a homework routine, there are many things that students and parents can do to make the transition back to school smoother.

In this article, I will provide you with 8 essential tips for back-to-school preparation that will help you get ready for the upcoming academic year. Whether you’re a parent or a student, these tips will help you stay organized, focused, and on track for a successful school year.

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Create a Landing Station

As someone who has struggled with organization, one of our most significant pain points for mornings was ensuring we had everything together and not missing anything on the way out the door! My number one back-to-school organization hack is creating a landing station to store backpacks and everything you need to grab on the way out the door. This is a great way to make mornings go more smoothly. If your child has electronics for school, this would also be a great place to have a charging station.

You can also keep clipboards for homework, permission slips, important papers, and checkoff lists for before and after school routines. You can follow Jordan Page at Fun Cheap or Free for more ideas on her clipboard system!

back to school preparation - home landing station
Source: craft-o-maniac.com

Go Through Clothing and Clean out the Bedroom

Another way to ensure you are starting the school year off on the right foot is to make sure you’ve gone through your kids’ rooms and clothing and purged anything you no longer need! Make sure all the clothes they have still fit them, and list what items they may need to fill out their wardrobe for school.

Purge any clutter from the bedroom, so it is easy to keep it clean. Having a nice decluttered space that is easy to keep clean will set your child up for a more calm and more peaceful year. When the girls and I lived in clutter, the stress spilled into every area of our lives. It may also be useful to use a bedroom cleaning checklist to help keep their rooms clean throughout the year.

Gather School Supplies

As you clean up their room and go through stuff, gather any school supplies that could be reused for the upcoming school year. At the end of a school year, I always try to go through backpacks and set aside anything in good enough condition to use again.

Things like backpacks, calculators, pencil boxes, folders, and binders can be used again or passed down to another child if they are in good condition. We try to buy quality backpacks that will last each child at least 2 years before allowing them to pick out a new one. The Jansport backpacks are in such good condition that we still use them for travel.

Keep a Family Calendar

A family calendar can be a very important part of your back-to-school preparation. This could be a part of your landing station or another centrally located part of your home. A large family calendar is a great way to keep everyone on the same page and know what is going on and when. I also need to use a paper planner to physically write things down as it helps my ADHD brain. We have a blended family so it can be confusing about who needs to be where and when. It helps everyone’s attitudes and stress levels when we know what is happening. It helps the household to feel more organized. I also find that being prepared and knowing what’s going on ahead of time helps kids deal with anxiety.

I am super intrigued by the Skylight Calendar I have seen advertised on social media. It is more of an investment but I love the digital display that you can color code for the whole family. I also love that you can add to it from anywhere. This is not an affiliate link, I just think it looks very cool and I would love to try it someday!

Another option I love is the wall organizers from 1Thrive. They have many predesigned options but you can also create your own based and your family’s needs. They are esthetically pleasing as well.

Have Extra Supplies on Hand

Another back-to-school organization hack is always keeping a few extra supplies on hand to ensure they always have what they need to do their homework. Some of these extra supplies could come from the items they bring home at the end of a school year! Create a bin somewhere, so you know where everything is. It would be good to have extra pencils, pens, paper or notebooks, a pencil sharpener and even items like a ruler!

Create a Morning and After School Routine

Creating a morning and after-school routine is another important step in your back-to-school preparation. If you and your children have a straightforward routine for your mornings and after school, you take a lot of the guesswork and stress out of your mornings. You can print a routine checklist and post it on the clipboards in your landing station or their bedrooms. Use a transparent sheet protector and dry-erase markers to make it easily reusable.

Get a School Planner

Using a planner is a great way to stay organized for school. Find a planner that is easy to use and get your child in the habit of writing down things they need to remember and important assignments coming up. If your school has an online portal, you should be able to see your kids’ assignments and help them fill out their planners while they are still learning. Here is a free daily productivity planner printable!

Post a Weekly Meal Plan Plus a School Lunch Menu

Posting a weekly meal plan and the school lunch menu will be much more for your sanity and organization than theirs! Posting the school lunch menu is good because everyone knows what’s coming up for lunch and if your child doesn’t like what is on the menu they can choose to pack a lunch from home. Also planning out and posting your meal plan for dinners can be extremely helpful. It takes the guesswork out of what you are making for dinner and can help you pull out whatever is needed ahead of time. This can help those busy weekday school evenings go much more smoothly. Here is a free Weekly Meal Planner Printable!

In short, with these eight essential tips for back-to-school preparation, you’ll be all set for a successful back-to-school season. From getting organized to setting routines, there’s something here for everyone. And if you want even more inspiration and support, be sure to connect with me on Instagram or join my private Facebook group. Let’s make this school year the best one yet! If you have any other tips that have helped you, I would love to hear them! Connect with me on Instagram or join my private Facebook group!

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